Balancing Brooklynn

Brooklynn Paige was born at 27 weeks weighing 2lbs 3.75oz 13.75in long!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Slacker....thats me....

I think last time I was on this thing Brooklynn was to have heart they attempted to do a cath (thru her groin) surgery which she would of been out the next day, but not much to our surprise we fell in the 2% of kids that are not able to have it done...the shape of her PDA was rare, so when they went to put in the coil it was slipping into her lungs. We were scheduled a week later for another surgery that went thru her back. She did awesome, we were in the hospital for 3 days (just as a precaution). She now has a 2" scar on her back and on on her chest from the tube they had to put in. After she was healed we saw a huge change in her...she ate more, her breathing was not rapid and her urine output was normal. We thought we were on the road to great weight gain!!!! No so much, we have come to realize with Brooklynn there is 3 steps forward 2 steps back.

Bring on the flu....Brooklynn ended up with the stomach flu 2x and a cold. In which caused her not to eat and she lost 6oz. It won her a trip to the ER for being dehydrated. As of now (a month later) she has a stuffy nose that is lingering but she has gained all her weight back that she lost plus some.

I am going to try to keep this thing updated as much as I can (remember). This is the only real big new from my last post.