Brooklynn weighed 2lbs 3.75oz and was 13.75in long, she was FULL of hair!!!! I will try to keep this one short and list what went wrong. We were in the NICU for 75 days and she was intubated for 45 days. Everyday we went up for the 1st month there was always something new. She ened up getting late onset of group B strep, so one again they stopped feedings and started meds. Everything they said could happen with her did. The only thing that she did not get out of the stuff they told us was ROP (Retinopathy of Prematuriy). During her fight in the NICU she was on and off the the C-Pap and Ventilator. Here are some things that she has or had against her:
- Anemia
- Apnea
- RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- Grade 4 IVH right side(Intraventriclur Hemorrhage)
- PVL (Periventricular Leucomalacia)
- Grade 2 IVH left side
- PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) still open
- CLD (Chronic Lung Disease)
- Cerebellum Bleed

The things in red are the things that we are still dealing with and will be for a while. There was so much more while we were in the NICU, but I said I would keep it came home Nov 23rd weighing 5lbs 13oz. She came home with a feeding tube thru her nose and we were left to change it every 7days and put it back in when she decided to pull it out, but we are in for the long haul regardless what was thrown at us.......
This is the picture the night Brooklynn came home and the 1st time the sisters got to meet!!!! It was so exciting!!
** We could of not been more thankful for the people that helped us out in the 75days. Getting Baylee to school picking her up and taking care of her on the weekends for a couple hours...I don't know what was more heart breaking having you 27 week baby fighting for her life or having your 6 year old being upset because she cant meet her sister**